Pursuant to Article 13 of the Law on Associations (Official Gazette 74/14, 70/17 and 98/19) and Article 14 of the Sports Act (Official Gazette 71/06, 150/08 , 124/10, 124/11, 86/12, 94/13 and 85/15), Assembly of the Imotski Triathlon Club at the session held on February 26, 2020. year, adopted:
Article 1.
This Statute determines: the name, seat and area in which the TRIATHLON CLUB IMOTSKI operates (hereinafter: the Club); representation; Goals; activities that achieve the goals; making the work of the Club public, membership and membership fees; rights, obligations and disciplinary responsibility of members; internal structure of the Club; bodies of the Club, their composition, powers, manner of decision-making, conditions and manner of election and recall, duration of mandate and responsibility of members; assets and disposal of possible profits; the manner of acquiring the property, and the termination of existence and the procedure with the property in case of termination of the existence of the Club.
Article 2
The club is a non-profit sports association in which citizens unite to protect and promote personal and common interests in the field of triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon, without the intention of gaining profit for members or third parties.
Article 3
The full name of the sports club is: Triatlon klub Imotski.
The abbreviated name of the club is: TK Imotski.
The seat of the Club is Imotski, Glavina Donja 130.
The sports club operates in the city of Imotski, Split-Dalmatia County and beyond.
The club has the status of a legal entity.
The sports club is entered in the Register of Associations of the Republic of Croatia and the Register of Sports Activities at the State Administration Office in the Split-Dalmatia County.
Article 4
The Club is represented by the President and Secretary of the Club. The Assembly may authorize other persons to represent the Club.
Article 5
The club has a seal. The seal of the Club is round in shape, 35 mm in diameter. The full name of the Club and the place of the seat (Imotski) are written next to the rim of the seal. The President of the Club is responsible for keeping and using the seal.
Article 6
The Club may join an alliance or community of associations, join international associations or other forms of association for the purpose of improving work and activities, meeting common interests, and resolving other issues of interest for successful realization of goals and activities provided by this Statute. The decision on association is made by the Assembly of the Club on the proposal of the Executive Board.
Article 7
The work of the Club is public.
The publicity of the work is ensured and achieved by timely and truthful informing of the members of the Club, and through public communication. Members are informed about the work of the Club by submitting written materials and through sessions of the Club’s bodies.
Representatives of the media may attend the meetings of the governing bodies of the Club and inform the public about the work of these bodies and the Club, except in the case when the Board of Directors in justified cases decides to exclude the public.
In order to achieve the fullest possible publicity of the work, the Club may publish its newsletter in accordance with the regulations on public information. The decision to issue a newsletter is made by the Assembly. If necessary, the club also publishes other means of public information (periodicals, bulletins, posters, etc.) in accordance with the regulations on publishing.
Article 8
The area of activity of the Club is sports. The goal of the Club is to encourage, develop and improve the sports of triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon, and the development of educational, moral, ethical and sports values of its members through sports.
Achieving the goals referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the Club achieves the following activities:
gathering children, youth and other people who want to do triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon
by participating in sports competitions in triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon
by conducting sports training and sports preparation of members in triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon
by encouraging the professional development of competitors, coaches and other persons of importance for the operation of the Club
by collaborating with other sports associations that support the goals of the Club
encouraging young people to play sports
cooperation with all relevant institutions and associations in order to further develop triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon
through the overall activity of the Club to encourage understanding and adoption of ethical and moral values through sports
by organizing lectures, courses and schools for mastering triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon
management of sports facilities in accordance with the Statute and the law
by performing all other activities that contribute to the achievement of the goals of establishing the Club in accordance with the Statute and the law
Article 9
Any able-bodied natural person who is interested in working in the Club and who accepts the provisions of this Statute can become a member of the Club.
Legal entities that support the activities of the Club and accept the provisions of this Statute may also become members of the Club. They gain membership in the Club through an authorized representative appointed by the person authorized to represent the legal entity.
Natural persons without legal capacity can become a member of the Club, for which the application form is signed by a guardian. Persons without legal capacity can participate in the work of the Club without the right to decide.
Membership in the Club can be:
The Club keeps a list of members for which the President of the Club is in charge.
The manner of keeping the list of members is determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 10
A natural person or legal entity wishing to become a regular member of the Club submits an application for membership to the Board of Directors, which makes a decision on admission to membership.
Regular members sign the application form by which they undertake to participate in the work of the Club, and to respect the provisions of its Statute and other acts, as well as the decisions of the bodies of the Club.
He becomes a member of the Club by enrolling in the list of Club members. The list of members includes a person for whom the Board of Directors has made a decision on admission to membership and who has paid the membership fee.
Regular members of the Club pay an annual membership fee. The decision on the amount of the membership fee and the manner of its payment is made by the Board of Directors.
Article 11
An honorary member of the Club can be any natural or legal person who, through personal work and commitment, has particularly contributed to the achievement of the goals of the Club.
The decision on admission to honorary membership is made by the Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Directors.
Article 12
The rights and obligations of members are as follows:
to elect and be elected to the bodies of the Club
to be informed about the work of the Club and its bodies, as well as about material and financial operations
to actively participate in the implementation of the goals of the Club and contribute to the realization of its activities
to give suggestions, opinions and remarks on the work of the Club and its bodies
to abide by the provisions of this Statute and other general acts of the Club
to regularly pay an annual membership fee
to preserve and raise the reputation of the Club
to participate in sports preparations, competitions and other activities organized by the Club
to advocate for the sporting successes, interests and reputation of the Club
to be personally trained and perfected in sports
Article 13
Membership in the Club ends:
upon the termination of the existence of the Club
a written statement of withdrawal from the membership of the Club
by expulsion from the membership of the Club
death of a member
Article 14
A Club member may be expelled from membership if he violates the provisions of the Statute, endangers the interests of the Club, causes serious damage to the Club and / or its membership or fails to pay the annual membership fee until the end of the current year.
The decision on exclusion is made by the Board of Directors.
The expelled member has the right to appeal to the Assembly, whose decision on expulsion is final.
Article 15
The bodies of the Club are:
Board of Directors
President of the Club
Supervisory Board
Club Secretary
Liquidator of the Club
Members of the Management and Supervisory Boards are elected and removed in accordance with the provisions of this Statute.
Members of the governing body of a sports club cannot be persons determined by the Law on Sports.
Elections for Club bodies (Electoral Assembly) must be held at least 15 days before the expiration of the term of office of members of Club bodies.
The constituent session of the elected bodies must be held within 15 days from the day of the election.
Minutes of the sessions of the Club’s bodies are kept and kept permanently, and they are signed by the President and the Recorder.
Article 16
The Assembly is the highest body of the Club, and consists of all members of the Club.
Assemblies can be regular, elective and extraordinary.
The regular Assembly of the Club is held at least once a year.
The Electoral Assembly is held every 4 years.
An Extraordinary Assembly is held as needed.
The President of the Club may convene the Extraordinary Assembly on his own initiative when deemed necessary, at the request of the Board of Directors, at the request of at least one third of the total number of Club members or at the request of the Supervisory Board with a reasoned written request.
If the President of the Club does not convene the Assembly at the request of the proposer from the previous paragraph within 30 days from the day of the submitted request, the Assembly will be convened by the proposer.
The extraordinary Assembly considers only the issue for which it was convened.
Article 17
The Assembly is convened by the President of the Club by delivering written invitations to the members at least 15 days before the session.
The invitation contains information on the place and time of the session, as well as the proposed agenda. The invitation is accompanied by materials on the issues on the agenda.
The President is responsible for the execution of decisions and acts adopted by the Assembly. Representatives of state bodies, unions and other associations may participate in the work of the Assembly as guests without the right to decide.
The Assembly is chaired by the President of the Club. In the absence of the President, at the beginning of the session, the Assembly shall, by public vote, appoint one person or a working presidency of three members to chair the session.
If the President does not convene a session of the Assembly within 15 days from the date of submission of the request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, an extraordinary session of the Assembly shall be convened by the proposer (the decision should contain the proposed agenda, place and day). At the extraordinary session of the Assembly, only the issues for which it was convened are decided.
In case of expiration of the mandate, resignation or death of the President of the Club, the election session of the Assembly may be convened by the Management or Supervisory Board, while the session of the Management Board is chaired by the Vice President or the oldest member of the Management Board.
Article 18
The Assembly may make valid decisions if at least half of the members of the Assembly are present.
If half of the members do not join the Assembly, the convener convenes a new Assembly within not less than 8 days, provided that the Assembly can make valid decisions if at least one third of the members of the Assembly are present.
Valid decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of those present, unless otherwise provided by this Statute. Decisions on changes to the Statute and termination of the Club are made by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of the present members of the Assembly.
Decisions at the Assembly are made by public vote.
Article 19
Club Assembly:
adopts the Statute and its amendments, and gives an interpretation of the Statute
adopts other general acts necessary for the operation of the Club
elects and dismisses the President, Vice President, Liquidator and members of the Management and Supervisory Boards
adopts the financial plan and adopts the final account
considers the report on the work of the Club’s representatives
decides on the participation of the Club in the work of national and foreign organizations
decides on the use of profits
decides on joining other organizations, joining other organizations or withdrawing from them
resolves complaints of Club members in the second instance
decides on the termination of the existence of the Club, change of name and / or seat
decides on other issues of importance for the work of the Club determined by this Statute that are not placed under the competence of another body of the Club
Article 20
The Board of Directors has 7 members elected by the Assembly for a term of 4 years.
The President and the Vice-President are, by their position, members of the Management Board.
Board of Directors:
determines the proposal of the Statute, and its amendments
elects and appoints the Secretary of the Club
determines the proposal of the financial plan and the final account
submits an annual work report to the Assembly
decides on the amount of membership fees and registration fees
decides on admission and expulsion from membership
takes care of informing the membership and the public
decides on the use of the Club’s property
decides on a change of registered office address
decides on the rights of athletes in accordance with the law and this Statute
organizes competitions, prepares the plan and program of the competition, and organizes other activities of the Club
elects representatives to the Federation and other associations, and considers their work
appoints persons to sign material and financial documents
decides on the performance of a permitted activity in accordance with the law
awards commendations, recognitions and awards
decides on the admission and dismissal of coaches, other professionals and persons performing work in the Club
establishes committees, commissions and other bodies that help achieve goals
performs all other activities assigned to it by the Assembly
Article 21
Meetings of the Board of Directors are held as needed, as decided by the President, and must be held at least once every three months.
A meeting may be held if a majority of the members of the Management Board are present, and valid decisions are made by a majority of the votes of the present members of the Management Board.
Article 22
The Board of Directors and the President of the Club may be dismissed by the Assembly even before the expiration of the term of office for which they were elected if they exceed their powers or do not conscientiously perform the duties entrusted to them.
If the entire Board of Directors is dismissed, the Assembly then elects a new one with a full mandate, and if it dismisses individual members of the Board of Directors, the Assembly elects new members of the Board of Directors until the expiration of the term in which they were elected.
The Board of Directors and each of its members are responsible for their work to the Assembly.
Any member of the Management Board may request his / her dismissal before the expiration of the term for which he / she was elected, provided that he / she is obliged to perform his / her duties until the decision on dismissal is made. The Assembly is obliged to make a decision on the request for dismissal at the first session.
Article 23
The Board of Directors may establish committees and other occasional working bodies of the Club.
The Board of Directors appoints the President and members of the board of working bodies from among the members of the Club for a period of 4 years.
Boards and other occasional working bodies perform the tasks and duties for which they were established and report to the Management Board.
Article 24
Working bodies in the form of a commission are:
Competition Committee
Promotion Committee
Article 25
The competition committee works directly on the preparation and organization of the competition and proposes the types of awards and recognitions for the competitors.
Article 26
The Promotion Commission designs and implements the promotion of triathlons, duathlons and aquathlons, and ensures good cooperation with other clubs, associations and economic entities, establishes contacts with the media to promote and popularize triathlons, duathlons and aquathlons.
President of the Club
Article 27
The Club has a President who ensures the proper and legal operation of the Club, and is elected by the Assembly for a term of 4 years, with the proviso that he may be elected several times in a row.
The President of the Club is also the President of the Assembly and the President of the Board of Directors.
Club President:
represents the Club
convenes and chairs the sessions of the Assembly of the Club and the Board of Directors and proposes the agenda
implements the decisions of the Assembly and manages the work of the Club between the two sessions of the Assembly
performs other tasks entrusted to him by the Assembly and / or the Board of Directors
In case of absence or impediment, the President is replaced by the Vice President or a person appointed by the Board of Directors.
Article 28
The Club has 2 (in words: two) Vice-Presidents elected by the Assembly for a term of 4 years.
The Vice President assists the President of the Club in his work and performs other tasks entrusted to him by the President and the Board of Directors.
Article 29
The Club has a Secretary elected by the Board of Directors for a term of 4 years with the proviso that it can be elected several times in a row. The secretary can also be a professional according to the needs of the club.
Club Secretary:
prepares draft proposals for general acts adopted by the Assembly
takes care of the proper keeping of the register of members
keeps minutes of the sessions of the Assembly and the Board of Directors
keeps and keeps the archives of the Club
assists the President in preparing the sessions of the Executive Board and the Assembly
takes care of the execution of the conclusions of the Assembly and the Executive Board
is in charge of the financial plan of the Club
signs contracts and gives orders on the implementation of the program and financial plan of the Club
cooperates with bodies and organizations of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Croatia
takes care of providing conditions for the Club’s sports activities in open and closed sports facilities, and the preparation and referral of the Club’s teams to all types of competitions in which the Club participates according to the plan and program
care for the procurement of necessary equipment, financial resources, adequate sports space for the activities of the Club,
professional and quality work of coaches and other staff of the Club
organizes informing the public about the work of the Club
performs professional and other tasks for the needs of the Board of Directors in accordance with the general acts of the Club
Supervisory Board
Article 30
The Supervisory Board has 3 members elected by the Assembly for a term of 4 years and can be elected in a row.
A member of the Supervisory Board cannot be a member of the Management Board at the same time.
The Supervisory Board validly decides if the meeting is attended by more than half of its members, and makes valid decisions by more than half of the votes of the members present.
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board, elected by the Assembly, convenes meetings of the Board, manages its work and performs other tasks entrusted to him by the Board or the Assembly.
Members of the Supervisory Board are accountable to the Assembly for their work.
Article 31
The Supervisory Board considers and supervises:
application of the provisions of this Statute and other general acts of the Club
material and financial operations and use of the Club’s assets
realization of decisions, conclusions and other legal acts
The Supervisory Board also performs other tasks entrusted to it by the Assembly.
Article 32
The Supervisory Board has the right to request access to the documentation and all data on the work and operations of the Club.
The Board of Directors and each member of the Club is obliged to provide access to the requested documentation and data without delay, and to provide the requested information.
Members of the Supervisory Board may attend the meetings of the Management Board, but without the right to decide.
The Supervisory Board may request the convening of a meeting of the Board of Directors and the Assembly if it finds irregularities in the financial or other operations of the Club, negligence in the performance of tasks and / or violation of the Statute and other general acts of the Club.
Article 33
The provisions of Article 22 of this Statute shall apply in the manner and procedure of dismissal of the Supervisory Board or an individual member thereof.
Article 34
The liquidator of the Club is elected and recalled by the Assembly.
The liquidator can be a natural person or a legal entity that is a member of the Club or a person who is not a member of the Club.
The liquidator is not entitled to reimbursement of expenses for his work from the funds of the Club.
The liquidator of the Club represents the Club in the liquidation procedure, and by opening the liquidation procedure is entered in the register of associations as a person authorized to represent the Club until the end of the liquidation procedure and deletion of the Club from the register of associations.
Article 35
The property of the Club consists of movable and immovable property, property rights and funds that the Club realizes from:
funds acquired by paying membership fees
voluntary contributions and donations received from organizations that support the work and activities of the Club
funds acquired by performing activities that achieve the goals of the Club
financing of the Club’s programs and projects from the state budget and the budget of local government and self-government units, and funds
movable property
other funds acquired in accordance with the Law
The Club may dispose of its property only for the purpose of achieving the goals and performing the activities specified in the Statute, in accordance with the law.
Article 36
The club manages assets in accordance with the regulations on material and financial operations of non-profit organizations.
All income and expenses are determined by the financial plan, which is adopted for one calendar year and is valid for the year for which it was adopted.
At the end of the year for which the financial plan was adopted, the final account is compiled.
The President of the Club has the right to command the disposal of the Club’s property.
Article 37
If the Club implements programs and projects of interest to the common good financed from public sources, at least once a year it must inform the donor about its work, scope, method of acquisition and use of funds, and inform the general public via the website.
The mentioned collected funds can be used by the Club exclusively for the implementation of approved programs or projects.
Article 38
In case of termination of the Club, the property, after settling creditors and costs of liquidation, court and other proceedings, is handed over to an association, institution or foundation that has the same or similar statutory objectives, based on the decision of the Assembly in accordance with the Statute.
The Club has no right to distribute the assets of the Club to its founders, members of the Club, persons authorized to represent, employees or persons related to them.
Article 39
The club is obliged to keep business books and compile financial reports in accordance with the regulations governing the manner of financial operations and accounting of non-profit organizations.
Article 40
Dispute / conflict of interest in the Club exists if it is about the rights and interests of Club members that members are free to discuss, and which affect the work of the Club as a whole, or if they relate to issues of common interest to members.
To resolve disputes / conflicts of interest, the Assembly appoints an arbitration panel between the members of the Club. The composition, mandate and manner of decision-making of the arbitration panel shall be regulated by a rulebook issued by the Assembly. In its work, the Arbitration Council shall apply the provisions of the Conciliation Act in an appropriate manner.
The decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be final.
If a dispute / conflict of interest arises over the issues on which the request for entry of changes in the register of associations is submitted, which is decided by the competent office, the dissatisfied member first addresses the Club to resolve the dispute / conflict of interest.
Upon the finality of the decision of the arbitration panel, the Club submits to the competent office a request for entry of changes in the register of associations together with the decision of the arbitration panel.
Article 41
The Club is responsible for its obligations with all its assets.
Members of the Club and members of its bodies are not responsible for the obligations of the association.
Bankruptcy may be instituted against the Club, in accordance with the law.
The Club and the persons authorized to represent the Club for damage done in the Club or the damage of the Club to third parties are liable in accordance with the general regulations for damage.
Article 42
Club members themselves supervise the work of the Club.
If a member of the Club considers that the Club has violated the Statute and / or other general act of the Club, he is authorized to warn the competent body of the Club, and demand that the irregularities be removed.
If the warning is not considered within 30 days from the date of submission of the written request and the request is not acted upon, and the irregularities are not remedied within a further period of 30 days, the member may file a lawsuit with the municipal court.
Article 43
Status changes are decided by the Assembly in accordance with Article 17 of this Statute.
A merger or amalgamation may not be carried out with another association whose financial statements show a negative result.
Article 44
The Statute is the basic general act of the Club and all other general acts must be in accordance with the provisions of the Statute.
The draft amendments to the Statute are prepared and determined by the Board of Directors and sent to the members of the Club for discussion.
The Board of Directors considers the remarks and proposals given in the discussion, takes positions on them and determines the Proposal of the Statute.
Article 45
Interpretation of the provisions of the Statute is given by the Assembly of the Club.
Article 46
All internal issues of the Club, as well as other issues that are not regulated by the Statute, and require detailed elaboration, will be regulated by general acts adopted by the Assembly of the Club.
Article 47
The club ceases to exist by the decision of the Assembly and in cases prescribed by law.
Article 48
The Statute of the Club as well as its amendments are adopted by the Assembly by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Assembly of the Club after the discussion.
Interpretation of the provisions of this Statute is given by the Assembly of the Club.
Interpretation of other acts of the Club is given by the President of the Club.
This Statute shall enter into force on the day of its adoption, and shall be applied on the day of certification by the competent state administration body.
In Split, February 26, 2020
Matko Divic
OIB: 59453420567
IBAN: HR15 2407000 1100190952
President: Matko Divić
M. +385 (0)91 529 5730
Vicepresident: Ivan Milas
Secretary: Luka Kolovrat